Robert L. Anemone

Professor of Anthropology

In March 2016, PI Bob Anemone and Glenn Conroy (Wash U in St Louis) organized and led a week-long Advanced Seminar at the School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe, NM in which 10 leading anthropologists presented on New Geospatial Approaches in Anthropology.  The seminar was an incredible experience for all of us as we were able to share and discuss cutting edge use of geospatial technologies (e.g., neural network and agent-based approaches to developing predictive models, classifications of satellite imagery, use of drones in the field, LiDAR and photogrammetric approaches to developing 3D spatial models) to a variety of anthropological problems in New and Old World archaeology, biological anthropology, and paleontology.  After the conference we all enjoyed a hike through Bandelier National Monument where we explored the rock art and cliff dwellings of the Ancestral Pueblo peoples who lived in this beautiful canyon between about 1000 and 1500 CE.  The results of our seminar are forthcoming as a book (edited by Anemone and Conroy) in the SAR Advanced Seminar Series with the University of New Mexico Press.

Cliff dwellings at Bandelier Nat. Monument.


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From left: Jay Emerson, Glenn Conroy, Denné Reed,
Serge Wich, Bob Anemone, Leslea Hlusko, Peter Ungar,
Ryan Williams, Michael Fraschetti, Ben Vining.