Robert L. Anemone

Professor of Anthropology

Mid-Atlantic Bioanthropology Interest Group October 24, 2014, VCU, Richmond, VA GDB Postdoc Brett Nachman and PI Robert Anemone attended and presented at the inaugural meeting of MABIG, organized by bioanthropologists Amy Rector-Verelli (VCU) and Kristi Lewton (Boston University).  Brett gave a talk about his stable isotope work on MSA bovid material from Ethiopia and what it can […]

The Age of Sensing 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology October 13-15, 2014, Duke University GDB Postd0c Brett Nachman and PI Robert Anemone presented our geospatial work to archaeologists and a wide range of spatial scientists at this conference during the Fall 2014 semester.  Prof. Maurizio Forte of Duke University and Prof. Stefano Campana of […]